Event Details

Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho y Religión.


Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho y Religión

The Latin American Journal of Law and Religion is a digital open-access and peer-reviewed journal. Their contents are focused on the Latin American situation of law and religion, aiming to promote the academic studies, analysis, and exchange currently being developed at regional and national levels. The Journal’s subjects matters are the traditional topics of Ecclesiastical Law: religious freedom and relations between religious entities and State; the relationship between law and religion; the religions’ normative order and their interaction with the State and State laws or decisions affecting religion.
The Journal’ s sections are the following:
  • MONOGRAPH: based on the analysis of a specific subject elected by the editorial board. The works published pass through a double and blind arbitration system.
  • GENERAL STUDIES: This section receives contributions based on an open access method. The contribution pass through a double-blind arbitration. The topics shall be related to the Journal’s matters of interest.
  • LEGISLATION: This section is published by the Journal Team, and its concern is the current legal situation in Latin American legal. It publishes public standards, relevant laws and legal proposals.
  • Case Law: It publishes comments about the Latin American case law regarding law and religion. Before being published, the works pass through a referee process.
  • BOOK REVIEWS: It publishes comments about books whose topics are related to the Journal’s interests, regardless of their geographical area. The comments shall pass under a referee process.
The Journal receives contributions in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Nevertheless, the Editorial Board may authorize contributions in alternative languages.
