Event Details

Introduction to the study of Canon Law


Publisher: Wilson & Lafleur
Publication Place: Montreal (Quebec)
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9782891278362
Category: n\a


This book is an introduction to the study of canon law. It is intended for those who are taking the first steps in its knowledge and, above all, to those who are starting to specialize in it through study and research. This book covers two subject groups: the first subject is about the law of the People of God or the juridical dimension of the Church, and the second, about gnoseology and methodology. The first one answers the question “What is canon law and what are its basic features?” while the other answers the question, “How can we know and interpret that law?” They are the two major subjects faced by the student of canon law. This books seeks to answer them in a synthetic style.

Table of contents

I.The juridical dimension of the People of God 
2.The People of God 
3.Social bonds 
4.Institution and community 
5.The need for law in the people of God 
6.Law as a structure of the Church 
7.Sacramental bases of Canon Law 
8.Divine Law and Human Law 
II The science of Canon Law A.Juridical Knowledge B.The juridical method C.Tools of the juridical method.
